Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake

And then I find a pair that actually fits well and they come with holes in them. That’s the exact problem I was trying to get rid of to begin with.

Rich Chocolate Icebox Cake in a Pan with a couple slices removed

The Best Chocolate Mousse Cake on a Plate

Fortunately I was able to find a couple pairs. My favorites were from Express, surprisingly enough. They fit quite well.

Then I did some shoe shopping, which I sometimes have the same problem with. I love shopping for fun shoes like heels. I could buy those babies all day long. But when looking for the basics that I wear most of the time, it’s hard to find stuff I like that fits well.

I finally walked holes right into the bottoms of my favorite flats so I had to get new ones. I literally got the same brand and size assuming they’d fit just as comfortably. Then I wore them for a little bit yesterday and already had problems with them rubbing. Grrr.

I’d rather shop for cute dresses, tops and heels any day. I just don’t like to wear those every day. Darn it!

Chocolate Icebox Cake Slice on a Plate

A Slice of Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake on a Plate

I would eat this chocolate icebox cake every day, however. Only problem is, I’d end up jeans shopping again because they wouldn’t fit me anymore if I ate this every day. I will certainly eat my share though.

Tips for Making This Decadent Chocolate Icebox Cake

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