Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake

I absolutely love the simplicity and ease of making icebox cakes. And you can mix up the flavors, making them fun to play with.

This time around I decided to go all in with the chocolate. I mean, when is tons of chocolate not a good idea?

The chocolate mousse-like layer is not a true mousse, but is very mousse-like in texture. It’s also delicious. The chocolate ganache is thicker, so they contrast each other nicely.

The chocolate graham crackers help give the cake it’s structure and hold everything together. Plus, they’re more chocolate.

Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake in a Pan

A Serving of Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake on a plate

Then it’s topped with chocolate sauce and mini chocolate chips. Heavenly, I tell you. And if you wanted, you could totally add more chocolate sauce between the layers. You know, if that’s your kind of thing.

This cake was a big hit. All my taste testers were fans. Some of my favorite taste testers are my co-workers kids and I hear there was an argument over who got the last piece of this particular cake. 🙂


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