Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake

This Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake was a huge hit! Layers of chocolate ganache, chocolate mousse and chocolate graham crackers are topped with chocolate sauce for a decadent treat that’ll put you in a chocolate coma!

If you’re a chocoholic like me, you should also check out my Hot Chocolate Cake and my Drunken Chocolate Truffle Cake!

Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake slice on a plate

A Big Slice of Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake on a plate

Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake
So you know what I don’t love? Jeans shopping. If I want to feel not so hot about myself, jeans shopping will surely do it. That must be why I usually wear my jeans until they start to have holes in them before I’m willing to go shopping for them again.

I did a little jeans shopping on Sunday and Monday and the experience was as expected. I tried on mountains of jeans and barely found some that actually fit. Seriously, why is it that every. single. pair. fits differently. I could try on the same size of jeans but because they’re different styles they’d all fit differently. Some big, some so small I can’t put them on.

What is up with that?

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