Take out the steaks a few hours before cooking and sprinkle them with 1 teaspoon of salt, then place them in parchment paper at this point. Put them in the cooler for about two hours. This will remove excess moisture from the meat.
Remove the steaks from the cooler and discard the paper. Wipe them. Mix each of the dry flavors and ½ tablespoon of salt. Lightly sprinkle each side of steak (use about 1 part of the total dry mix). Cool to room temperature for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, we take whole mushrooms, drizzle them with olive oil and roast them for 20 minutes. At the tenth moment, salt and pepper, just a light dusting.

Preheat grill to 375°F, and meanwhile, heat cast iron skillet on stovetop over medium-high heat. Sprinkle the excess dry flavorings evenly over the steaks. Sears each side of steak within minutes per side. Place the rack in the stove. Heat it for two minutes, then turn off the oven. Let the steaks cook for another 6 to 8 minutes.

Remove the steaks and let them rest. While they’re resting, take the skillet you cooked your steak in and place it on the stove over medium heat. Add the heavy cream, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and mozzarella. to mix together. When everything is combined, add the margarine and beat the hot mood. Mix until the fat melts.
Put the steak on a plate and put the mushrooms on it, then decorate with the creamy sauce. Serve with vegetables.

Enjoy !

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