It Is a Big Mistake to Only Add Water to Cook Rice. Let Me Teach You!

Sauté chopped onions or garlic in a bit of oil before adding the rice and liquid.

Cook the rice as usual.

3. Spices and Herbs

Spices like cumin, cardamom, or bay leaves and herbs like thyme or rosemary can make your rice more aromatic and flavorful.

How to Use:

Add a teaspoon of your chosen spices or a sprig of fresh herbs to the cooking liquid.

Remove any whole spices or herbs before serving.

4. Coconut Milk

For a creamy, slightly sweet flavor, try adding coconut milk to your rice.

How to Use:

Replace half of the cooking water with coconut milk.

Cook the rice as you normally would.

5. Citrus Zest

Adding a bit of lemon or lime zest can brighten up the flavor of your rice.

How to Use:

Add a teaspoon of zest to the cooking liquid or stir it into the cooked rice before serving.

How to Cook Perfectly Flavored Rice

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