Easy Vegetarian Chickpea Stew

Heat your oil in a soup pot. Add in onions and carrots and sauté for 2 minutes.
Add in the garlic, season with salt and pepper, cumin, cinnamon and red pepper flakes and sauté another minute or so.
Add in crushed tomatoes and vegetable stock and stir to combine.
Add in sugar, chickpeas and scallions and bring mixture to a simmer.
Taste and adjust for seasoning. Place a lid on the pot and simmer on low for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove from heat, add in spinach.
Enjoy as is, over rice or over noodles.

This stew is easy to customize. Feel free to swap out the spinach for other leafy green vegetables. Play with the spices, flavor profile and spiciness level and make this recipe your own.
Keeps in your fridge in a sealed jar/container for a week.

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