Easy Nantucket Cranberry Pie

  • Preheat the oven to 350F. Lightly butter a 10″ pie plate. Set aside.
  • Combine the chopped cranberries, nuts, and 1/2 cup sugar in a bowl.
  • Spread the mixture all over the bottom of the prepared pan.
  • In a mixing bowl, beat together the eggs, melted butter, 1 cup of sugar, flour, and salt, plus the vanilla and almond extracts.
  • The batter would be thick.
  • Spread the thick batter all over the cranberry mixture. For convenience, use an ice cream scooper to place the batter all over the filling.
  • Use a flat spatula to spread the batter all over, as near to the edge of the pan as possible.
  • Bake the pie for 40-50 minutes, until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean and the topping is done. Remove the pie from the oven. The pie’s flavor develops and gets better as it sits so this is perfect to make a day ahead. If pressed for time, it’s great to eat on the same day, too.
  • Serve warm, or at room temperature on its own but I highly recommend it with whipped cream or ice cream on top!

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