The trick that plumbers use to clean the drain of the pipes

Efficient cleaning of kitchen pipe drains, where accumulated dirt occurs, especially greasy food remains that can cause blockages and bad odors.
To start, we will use an old toothbrush and a little liquid soap to remove the accumulated grease.
We proceed with an initial rinse with plenty of water to eliminate loose residue, this way it washes everything away.
For a deeper clean, we will create an effective solution with 1/2 cup of vinegar, a few drops of liquid soap or detergent and, as the main ingredient, our favorite glue or equivalent.
Pour the solution down the drain and let it sit for a while.
Finally, rinse with warm water to complete the chemical cleaning process.
Keep your drains in optimal condition with this homemade plumbing trick!


The liquid soap or detergent, with its disinfectant properties, will be mixed with the vinegar, which acts as a softener and the phosphoric acid in the glue will dissolve old scale and deposits.

This combination will provide effective cleaning and scent your drains!

Regular Cleaning: Perform preventative cleaning regularly, even if there are no signs of blockages. This will help prevent the build-up of waste and odors.

Avoid Greasy Spills: Avoid pouring fats and oils down the drain, as they can solidify and cause blockages over time.

Drain Strainer:

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