Luxurious Pink Cherry JellO

8 oz. can of crushed pineapple, well-drained, adds a tropical twist and subtle sweetness that complements the cherries perfectly.

Maraschino Cherries
10 oz. jar of Maraschino cherries, drained with stems discarded, provides juicy bursts of cherry goodness. These cherries are the star of the show, bringing color and flavor to each bite.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions
1. Combine the Base
In a large mixing bowl, blend 1 cup of cottage cheese with the 3 oz. box of cherry Jell-O powder until the mixture is smooth and the Jell-O powder is fully incorporated. This step ensures that the dessert has a consistent flavor and color.

2. Incorporate Cool Whip
Gently fold in 8 oz. of Cool Whip (or your chosen alternative) to the cottage cheese and Jell-O mixture. Take your time to fold until the color is uniform and the texture is creamy. This step creates the light, fluffy texture that makes this dessert so delightful.

3. Add Fruits
Stir in the well-drained crushed pineapple and Maraschino cherries. Ensure the fruits are evenly distributed throughout the mixture. The pineapple adds a lovely tang, while the cherries provide bursts of sweetness.

4. Chill and Serve

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