Healthy and Delicious: Energy Cookies Without Sugar or Flour

30 grams of pumpkin seeds
40 grams of sunflower seeds
Flax seeds, sesame seeds, and poppy seeds (add to taste)
3. Natural Sweeteners
1 egg
Honey (to taste)
Crafting Your Energy Cookies
Now that we have our ingredients sorted, let’s proceed with the step-by-step guide to baking these delightful treats:

Step 1: Preparation of the Ingredients
Begin by chopping the walnuts and peanuts into small, manageable pieces.
In a mixing bowl, combine the chopped walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and your preferred amount of sesame, poppy, and flax seeds.
Add a teaspoon of flax seeds to the mixture for an extra nutritional boost.

Step 2: Mixing the Wet Ingredients

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