Fluffy Low Carb Chocolate Chip Pancakes

In a large mixing bowl, combine the almond flour, sweetener, salt, and baking powder. Stir in the eggs, half and half, and vanilla. Mix until the batter is smooth. Fold in the chocolate chips.

Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat. Butter the griddle and cook the pancakes for about 3 minutes on each side. Top with your favorite sugar-free syrup and enjoy! Makes 8 pancakes.

How do I know when my pancakes are cooked all of the way through?
The best test I have found is to gently press the center of the pancake. If it springs back, it is cooked.
Can I freeze these low carb pancakes?
Yes! If you want to freeze a batch, simply lay the cooked and cooled pancakes on a sheet tray and place in the freezer for 1 hour. Pull them out and put them into your favorite freezer safe container. Return to the freezer for up to 3 months. Reheat in the microwave.
Servings: 4

Nutrition per serving

Calories: 498 | Carbohydrates: 15g | Protein: 19g | Fat: 41g | Fiber: 6g
Nutrition is provided as a courtesy only. Please re-calculate on your own with the ingredients and amounts you used for the most accurate data.

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