Soak in hydrogen peroxide.
Dish detergent paste, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide are the ingredients.
Disposable cutting board made of plastic being washed in a sinkWhat is the proper way to use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains off cutting boards?

If the cutting board is let to sit for a sufficient amount of time, the stains may be removed using a simple 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Arrange the chopping board in a sink of water.
Hydrogen peroxide may be sprayed or poured over the cutting board until it is completely saturated.
For a period of many hours or perhaps overnight, the hydrogen peroxide should be allowed to soak. (You should see that the stain has become much lighter.)
The cutting board should be washed with water and detergent, and then allowed to dry.

Reasons why this approach is successful: In addition to removing germs from surfaces, hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that brightens surfaces. Providing the hydrogen peroxide with a sufficient amount of time to operate on the discoloration is essential.

A natural cleanser applied to one-half of a cutting board made of plasticThe removal of cutting board stains may be accomplished with the use of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and detergent.

The creation of a paste that is simple to apply and bleaches away stains on cutting boards may be accomplished by combining hydrogen peroxide with dish detergent and hydrogen peroxide.

A paste may be made by combining three to four teaspoons of baking soda, one tablespoon of dish detergent, and one to two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide all together. Not only should the mixture be spreadable, but it should also not be soupy.
The cleaner should be spread evenly on one side of the cutting board, and then it should be let to sit for a few hours or overnight.
First, remove the cleaner by wiping or rubbing it off, then wash the cutting board with soap and water, and then let it dry.
Reasons why this approach is successful:

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