Step 1

First, you need to season and pepper both sides of the chicken breasts. Take them out of the way while you get the other stuff ready.

Step 2

Now, make the bacon crispy by cooking it in a big frying pan or skillet over medium heat. Transfer the cooked bacon to a paper towel-lined dish using a slotted spoon. Discard the bacon fat.

Step 3

Melt the butter in the same pan over medium heat. Sauté the onion and garlic until the onion is transparent and the garlic smells good, then add it.

Step 4

Season the chicken breasts, place them in the pan, and cook for 6 to 8 minutes on each side, or until the chicken is no longer pink in the middle. When the chicken is done cooking, place it on a platter and tent it with foil to keep it warm.

Step 5

Turn the heat down to low and pour the chicken stock into the pan. Browned parts on the bottom of the pan may be removed using a wooden spoon. This process adds depth of flavor to the sauce.

Step 6

Mix in the heavy cream, thyme, and rosemary that has been dried. Simmer the ingredients for approximately 5 minutes, or until they begin to thicken, stirring occasionally.

Step 7

Stir in the grated Parmesan cheese and cook until the cheese melts and the sauce becomes smooth and creamy about 2 minutes.

Step 8

After the bacon has been cooked, return it to the pan and set aside a few pieces for decoration. Mix the bacon into the sauce until it’s equally distributed.

Step 9

After the chicken breasts have finished cooking, return them to the pan and nestle them into the bacon cream sauce. Coat the chicken with the sauce by spooning it on.

Step 10

Simmer the chicken in the sauce for 5 more minutes with the lid on the pan so that the flavors may combine.

Step 11

Turn off the stove and put away the skillet. Sprinkle the crispy bacon you saved and some freshly cut parsley on top of the Creamy Bacon Chicken.

Step 12

Serve immediately over hot mashed potatoes, rice, or steamed veggies of your choice. The tasty and smooth sauce is the perfect finishing touch to any meal

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