3 Ingredient Fruit Cake


Fruit cake, with some pieces cut, on a table with white plates and brown cupboards in the background.

I wish I had tried it earlier because it is such a wonderful fruit cake recipe. The cake is packed with fruit and really moist! It also slices very well and isn’t crumbly. If you want a cake to take to a picnic or gathering this one would be perfect!

A white plate with pieces of fruit cake and the uncut portion of cake in the background.

The original recipe states that this fruit cake will freeze for up to 6 months but I haven’t tried to freeze it yet. It didn’t last long enough to freeze any!

3 Ingredient Fruit Cake

Yield: 30

You are going to love this delicious and beautifully moist 3 ingredient fruit cake! It is such an easy recipe you will want to make it again and again!


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