The Easy Preparation of Wonderful Medicinal Garlic Honey

Benefits of honey

An elixir with a marvelous golden color, organic honey is a wonder of nature and its effectiveness has been observed on nearly 60 different bacteria! Rich in flavonoids, phenolic and ascorbic acids which represent only some of the 200 substances that make it up, it would have a real antioxidant action on the body and prevent many health disorders.

Originating from Ayurvedic medicine, honey has been used for centuries to treat digestion problems, chronic coughs, skin problems, heart pain and lung disorders. Moreover, its antibacterial action was recognized for the first time in 1892 by Dr Van Ketel, a Dutch scientist.

To make garlic honey, for medicinal or culinary use, it’s very simple.

You need a whole bulb of garlic. Peel and chop the pods. Chopping activates allicin – the most powerful active ingredient in garlic – which is released only when the garlic is chopped or crushed.

Once chopped, pour the garlic into a clean jar. Cover with honey.

I used organic bee honey (crazy that we have to specify good quality honey, most supermarket honeys contain glucose). It takes a while for the honey to seep into all the little crevices of the chopped garlic, so pour in slowly.

You can use a knife or toothpick to help release any air bubbles trapped in the minced garlic.

Close the jar, label it and date it before placing it in a cupboard for 2 to 4 weeks, maceration time.

At the end of this period, you can use the honey with or without the garlic in the jar. The shelf life of garlic honey is 3 months. You can take it by the spoonful or add it to tea if you have a cough, cold or sore throat.

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