Recipe: Oatmeal and Zucchini Bake – Better than Pizza

Oatmeal and Zucchini Bake

Elevate your daily dining with a healthier twist – Oatmeal and Zucchini Bake! πŸŒΏπŸ• A savory delight, topped with cheese, eggs, and chives, that will have your family eagerly anticipating dinner every day.

🍽️ Ingredients:
– 1 zucchini
– Salt (to taste)
– 3-4 tbsp oatmeal
– 100g cheese, grated
– 2 eggs
– Pepper (to taste)
– Chives, chopped

πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ Instructions:
1. Prepare Zucchini:

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