Recipe for a Magic Cleaner

16 ounces of vinegar and 12.66 ounces of dawn, microwaved for approximately 2.5 minutes. All it takes is a quick twist to create a magical cleaner! Using this routinely is certainly in my future.

Recipe for a Magic Cleaner

What You Need:

Nineteen ounces of liquid Blue Dawn Power Clean detergent and twenty-four ounces of white vinegar

How to Follow

Divide 8 and a half ounces of Dawn soap into two spray bottles. Pour 12 ounces of hot vinegar into each bottle after heating it in the microwave. To integrate, place the cover on and give it a gentle shake. A potent cleaner that can dissolve soap scum, clean sinks and appliances, and remove buildup from tubs and showers is now at your disposal. To loosen food that has baked onto cookware, try using it on casserole dishes, pots, and pans. On my grill, it works wonders for reducing fat.

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