Preheat the oven to 375F and line 2 sheet pans with parchment paper.
Use a chef’s knife to slice the zucchini lengthwise, as thin as you can.
Lay the sliced zucchini on the prepared sheet pans without overlapping.
Season with salt and pepper and bake for 6-8 minutes, or just until they begin to soften and can easily be rolled without breaking. Allow it to cool until ready to handle.
In a mixing bowl combine the cooked chicken, beans, corn, cream cheese and half of the enchilada sauce.

To assemble the enchiladas, place one slice of roasted zucchini on a clean surface.
Add about 2 spoonfuls of chicken mixture, and roll it up. Place in a large baking dish and repeat with the remaining zucchini and filling. Drizzle with the remaining enchilada sauce.
Sprinkle the enchiladas with the shredded cheese and bake for 20-22 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.


Serving size is 3 roll-ups.
Makes 15-18 roll-ups.
Nutrition facts are based on making 15. for 5 servings. If you can make 18 of them depending on the size of the zucchini, then you will have 6 servings and each serving will be 392 Calories instead.
Use pre-cooked chicken like Rotisserie chicken to save on time.
Do not over-cook or else it will be too mushy.
You may use sour cream instead of cream cheese but we love the taste of cream cheese more.
Top with a variety of toppings like sliced jalapenos or avocados.

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