This lovely braided sandwich loaf is a winner! My daughter entered the recipe in a statewide 4-H Beef Cooking Contest and won a trip to the national competition. It seems to be peaking with most people who taste it
* Ingredients:
° Crushed ground beef: 1 lb / 470 g
° Pizza crust: 1 (refrigerated)
° Lettuce: 2 cups (chopped)
° Cheese: 1 cup (glossy)
° Mix Fiesta.
° Onions: 1/2 cup (chopped)
° Water water: 1/2 cup
° Homemade taco seasoning: 3 tablespoons
° Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
° Tomato: 1 diced, more for garnish
° opaquely melted * butter: 2 tablespoons
° Gold Cream Taco Sauce About Serving
* How to make it:
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