strawberry pop tarts

This is used to make a sweet glaze that mimics the icing on classic pop tarts. It adds a touch of sweetness and a beautiful finish.

Milk: Just a small amount is needed to create the glaze. You can use any type of milk, but whole milk will give the best consistency.

Sprinkles: Fun and colorful, sprinkles add a playful touch to the cobbler, making it look just like your favorite pop tarts!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions
Step 1: Prepare the Strawberries

Wash and Slice: Rinse 1 large container of strawberries under cold water. Hull and slice the strawberries into bite-sized pieces.
Combine with Filling: In a large mixing bowl, combine the sliced strawberries with 2 cans of strawberry filling. Stir gently to mix.
Step 2: Prepare the Pie Crust

Roll Out Crust: Take 2 packages of roll & bake pie crust and roll out each crust on a lightly floured surface.
Cut Strips: Using a knife or pizza cutter, cut one of the pie crusts into strips about 1 inch wide. These will be used for the lattice topping.
Step 3: Assemble the Cobbler

Layer the Crust: Place the uncut pie crust at the bottom of a baking dish, pressing it into the corners and trimming any excess.
Add Filling: Pour the strawberry mixture over the pie crust, spreading it out evenly.
Lattice Top: Lay the strips of pie crust over the filling in a criss-cross pattern to create a lattice design. Press the edges to seal.
Step 4: Bake the Cobbler

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