Smothered Cube Steak

Tender Cube Steaks are cooked in a delicious brown broth with onions and fried on the stovetop or in a slaw! Serve over mashed potatoes, pasta or rice with roasted green beans or carrots!

A pile of mashed potatoes topped with steak cubes with brown gravy and onions with green beans on the side.

I had to laugh when I sent my husband to the store to get some ground beef and he came home with a steak cube. Not quite the same, but it was definitely a happy accident. Although I love making hamburger steaks, sometimes it’s fun to switch things up.

This recipe is a great way to turn things around and is a little easier than the Chicken Fried Steak recipe because there’s no breadcrumbs. (Although the seasoning on this steak will wow you!)

* Ingredients :

° 3 cubes of beef

° 2 tbsp. olive oil

° 8 oz. sliced ​​mushroom

° 1 small onion cut into slices

° ½ tsp. Cajun seasoning

° Salt and pepper to taste

° ¼ c + 2 tbsp. All-purpose flour, divided

° 2 c chicken broth

* Directions :

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