Put a bowl of vinegar in the oven – you will get rid of this problem forever

The baking soda bowl method is just as great as vinegar and will make your life easier! Thanks to its long list of cleaning and stain-removing properties, sodium bicarbonate is the perfect weapon for eliminating bad oven smells and grease stains that can build up there.

To use it, you can follow the same instructions as the two tips above and add one and a half glasses of baking soda to the bowl!

The casserole method
In addition to the various bowl tricks, you can also use the pan method!

As already mentioned, the bowl trick is also very suitable for loosening dirt in the oven. When it comes to the pan, special care must be taken to ensure that too many bad smells do not accumulate in the oven. After cleaning it can then be used again!

The procedure is quick and easy: First take the tin out of the oven and cover it with baking paper, then cut off the lemon and orange slices and distribute them on top. If you like the scent, you can also use bay leaves as an alternative.

Place them in the preheated oven at 180° and let them rest for at least 15/20 minutes. During this time, citrus slices or bay leaves give off a very pleasant aroma that not only stays in the oven, but is sure to spread throughout the house!


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