Put a bowl of vinegar in the oven – you will get rid of this problem forever

The first method is to use that essential citrus fruit that you probably already have at home: lemon. Lemon is both a spice and a home cleaning agent and has unexpected stain-removing and degreasing properties. Here’s how you can make your own natural dishwashing liquid. As a bonus, bad oven smells will just be a bad memory with this delicate lemon scent!

In the oven, simply fill a bowl with hot water and place a slice of lemon in it. Place the bowl in the preheated oven and let it rest at 180 degrees for ten minutes.

Then remove the bowl and you will soon smell a great smell! Once the oven has cooled, wipe it down with a cloth to remove any remaining drops of steam.

Apple cider vinegar
The vinegar peel trick

Another way to eliminate bad smells is the vinegar peel method! Of course, this trick won’t make your oven smell like lemon, but it’s great for those strong, lingering bad smells.

All you have to do is fill the bowl with water and add two glasses of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Always bake in a preheated oven and let it rest for a few minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

After this time has passed, follow the same steps described for the lemon peel method. If you need to clean the oven, you can use the mixture left in the bowl. In fact, vinegar has incredible cleaning, degreasing and whitening properties. You can say goodbye to all dirty stains!

Sodium bicarbonate
The baking soda bowl trick

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