How to use baking soda to get Rid of Belly, Arm, Thigh, and Back Fat

Whatever you do, you will blend all ingredients in a cup of water & stirring in a cup together TO baking soda flows.

Drinking it every day before breakfast, & you will notice results after a some days, but orderely with it, & if you need a faster result, you can also do exercises with drink.

3- Baking soda and fruit recipe:

* Ingredients:

° some mint leaves

° A cup of strawberries.

° 1 tsp baking soda

° 2 cups of water.

° Juice of 2 lemons.

* How to prepare and use:

Mix all ingredients together and blend in a blender. Drink it twice a day.

With the permanence & regularity of any of three recipes, you will notice results after a low period. To get best results, trying to avoid sugar and flour, also you can exercise for at least 30 min every day.

Enjoy !

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