Easy Chocolate Walnut Fudge


Walnut Fudge In Process

Line 8×8 inch casserole dish with parchment paper.

Combine sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips over low to medium heat in a medium sauce pan.

Once melted together, add in the vanilla bean paste and walnuts.

Pour the fudge mixture into lined casserole dish.

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before cutting.

Flavor variations
Swap semi sweet chocolate for dark chocolate or even white chocolate chips.
You can easily substitute the walnuts for pecans, hazelnuts, or any nut of your preference.
If you don’t like nuts, or are allergic to nuts you can leave them out all together.
I sometimes make a batch with walnuts and a batch of plain fudge. Then when gifting, I bag them separately, so if someone has a nut allergy, they can still enjoy the plain fudge.
Add a touch of extra garnish and top each square of fudge with a whole walnut. This is best done before the fudge has set.
You can even add some dried fruits like cranberries or raisins to the fudge and make a fruit and nut fudge. Just stir the dried fruit through the mixture along with the walnuts.
You can add pretty much any mix up into this fudge mixture, try dark chocolate chips with pecans and finely shredded orange zest, or white chocolate chops with walnuts and dried cranberries.

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