1) Take out the big stack from the freezer and start to roll it into one big circle. You should have one big circle with many layers of butter underneath. ( this will form the layering of the croissants and that pastry pie like feel)

2) Once you have a big circle, cut at the middle of the circle and across the circle like a cross shape in the circle. ( video will help to understand method)

3) you should have big triangle shapes by now, divide these triangle shapes into 4 small triangle shapes and fold them individually which should immediately give you the croissant shapes.

4) once all triangles have been rolled out into croissant shapes, then egg wash them all for that golden finish.

5) put all egg washed raw croissants out in the sun and let them raise for another 5 hours again.

6) Bake at 190° for the first ten minutes and then bake at 165° for the remaining 10 minutes and you have home baked croissants.

Do not get disappointed if you don’t get them right the first time. Just keep at it until you improve. Google any video that will help you if what I said confuses you a bit. Tried to explain it as clear as possible but just like baking pies, you must first see the demonstration physically.

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