Chicken Breast With Amazing Seasoning

1. Pre-heat the air fryer to 375F (190C): I like to always preheat my air fryer while I am prepping the chicken. Most air fryers have a pre-heat setting which lasts 2-3 minutes, but I never use it and just turn it on the air fry setting for 5 minutes.

chicken breasts coated in seasonings
2. Season the chicken: First coat with the avocado oil, then season both sides of the chicken with all of the spices.

3. Air fry the chicken breasts: Put the chicken breasts in the air fryer basket and air fry at 375 degrees F (190C) for 18-20 minutes (basket air fryers), flipping half-way through. For Air fryer ovens, add a few minutes more. Of course, the cooking time will vary depending on the size of your chicken breast.

holding a red meat thermometer
4. Cook to the proper temperature: Pull the chicken breast from the air fryer when it reaches 155F to 160F (68C to 71C) internal temperature using an instant-read thermometer inserted halfway through the thickest part of the meat. Let the chicken rest on a plate for 5-10 minutes before cutting. This “carryover cooking” will bring the chicken up to the safe temperature of 165F (74C).

Carryover cooking, also known as residual heat cooking, is a phenomenon that occurs in food when it continues to cook even after it has been removed from a heat source. This happens because the heat already present in the food continues to transfer to the cooler interior of the food, causing the internal temperature to rise even after it has been taken off the heat.

The result is juicy air fryer chicken breasts without having to turn on the regular oven. In the recipe card, I also give instructions for cooking chicken cutlets which can be finished in half the time.

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