Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake

Heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread the crescent dough. Separate into 16 triangles, reserving 4 for decoration. On a large round stone with handles, arrange 12 triangles in a circle with wide ends toward the outer edge of the baking stone and pointing toward the center. (Dots won’t meet.) Using a lightly floured Baker’s Roller®️, roll dough into a 14-inch circle, pressing seams together to seal, leaving 3 inches. hole in the center.

For the filling, in the bowl of the classic mixture, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, eggs and vanilla; Blend until smooth using a classic scraper. Spread the cream cheese mixture over the dough up to ½ inch from the edges; Top with pie filling.

Using a pizza cutter, cut each remaining triangle into thirds starting at the wide end opposite the point and cutting lengthwise all the way to the point. Arrange the dough slices evenly in a manner similar to the filling over the filling. Press seal ends at center and outside edges. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. a little bit cold.

Concerning glaze, blend powdere sugar & milk To soft . Pour on coffee cake using a V-shaped cutter. Cut into 12 pieces and serve hot with a teaspoon.

Enjoy !

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