Layer Potatoes and Meatballs

Are you craving a comforting, delicious and meal-prep friendly dish? Don’t worry, I got your back with this awesome recipe for potato and meatballs casserole! Give it a try, it’s incredibly good and easy to make! Ingredients The dish: 3 potatoes, peeled and boiled 1 white onion 1 package of ground beef 1 teaspoon of … Read more

Tarta invertida de piña

INGREDIENTES Molde de 26 centímetros · 3 huevos · 200 gramos de azúcar · 100 ml de agua · Un chorrito de esencia de vainilla · 200 gramos de harina de trigo · 15 gramos de levadura química (polvo de hornear) · 1 pizca de sal · 1 lata de rodajas de piña en almíbar … Read more

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