Air Fryer Extra Crispy Sweet Potato Fries

Uniformity is Key: Cutting the sweet potatoes into even sizes ensures they cook at the same rate.
Don’t Skip the Soaking: Soaking removes starch, which is crucial for achieving that crispy texture.
Avoid Overcrowding: Cooking the fries in a single layer with space between them allows for air circulation, leading to a crispier outcome.
Shake Halfway: Shaking the basket halfway through cooking ensures all sides get crispy.

By following this detailed guide, you’re not just making sweet potato fries; you’re creating a culinary experience that’s sure to impress anyone who tries them. The combination of a crispy exterior with a soft, sweet interior makes these fries irresistible. So, preheat that air fryer and get ready to enjoy the ultimate comfort food that’s as nutritious as it is delicious. Happy cooking!

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