A simple trick to warm your house better in winter: 1 cheap thing is enough

The benefits of insulating your radiator are numerous. You don’t know it, but 25% of the heat given off by the radiator is absorbed by the walls . The latter loses effectiveness due to the lack of insulation.

However, using insulation on the back of your heater prevents energy loss and provides more warmth to your home in the winter while reducing the cost of energy bills. The insulation of the radiator therefore makes it possible to maintain the desired temperature by avoiding the use of additional heating .

Installing insulation behind the radiator is also an ecological act, as excessive energy consumption increases CO2 gas emissions into the air.

How to insulate a radiator to heat your home better?
To utilize all the heat emitted by the radiator, it is recommended to install a reflective panel on the back of the radiator. This can be done with a protective adhesive film called insulating film, which aims to maintain a warm temperature inside the house. The insulating film is essential because it improves the performance of the radiator by around 5 to 10%, thus avoiding heat loss . And whoever says energy losses means high bills!

With this trick you can reduce your energy costs and avoid purchasing an additional heater.

How much does insulating film cost?

Insulation of a radiator

Insulating your radiator will cost you much less than buying a boiler . In France you can get insulating film for less than 20 euros a roll . To install it, you can seek professional help or better yet, do it yourself.

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