Uncover the Power of Cloves, a Natural Repellent for Insects That Do Not Like to Be Bothered

As well as lemon, cloves

Take a lemon and cut it in half. Then, place five to ten cloves into each half, making sure that the pointy end is pointed out.

Place the lemon halves in various locations around your house, paying special attention to regions that are prone to the presence of insects, such as entrances, windows, and other entryways.

Orange and cloves include:

Oranges may be used in a manner that is analogous to the lemon approach. Cloves should be inserted into an orange, and then the orange should be placed in regions where you wish to deter insects.

Soaps made of cloth:

Whole cloves should be placed inside of little cotton sachets, which should then be hung in strategic locations. These are particularly helpful in the kitchen, in the vicinity of the doorway, and in the closets.

3. Cloves provide other advantages, including the following:

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