The trick to cleaning a mattress: getting rid of stains, dust mites and bad odors

After the baking soda has had time to work, vacuum the mattress thoroughly to remove all the baking soda and any remaining dust.

6. Address Dust Mites:
While vacuuming and washing bedding regularly helps, using a mattress protector can provide an additional barrier against dust mites. Consider using allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers.

7. Allow to Air Out:
If possible, let the mattress air out for a few hours before putting any bedding back on. This helps ensure any remaining moisture is evaporated, reducing the risk of mold and mildew.

Preventive Measures:

Use a Mattress Protector: This helps prevent stains and absorbs sweat and body oils.
Wash Bedding Regularly: Wash sheets and pillowcases at least once a week in hot water.
Flip and Rotate the Mattress: If your mattress is flippable, flip it every three months. Rotate it 180 degrees as well, to promote even wear.
Maintain Good Bedroom Hygiene:

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