Soup made with cauliflower, leeks, and cheddar cheese.


Get the vegetables ready.

Cut and prepare the leek, making sure to get rid of any dirt.

In a large pot, mix together the cauliflower pieces, grated carrot, chopped celery, chopped leek, water, and bouillon. Heat the mixture until it boils.

Lower the temperature, put a lid on the pot, and let it cook gently for 12-15 minutes, or until the vegetables are soft. Do not empty.

Make the cheese sauce.

In a big pot, melt the butter on medium heat.

Mix the flour, salt, and pepper until the mixture is even.

Slowly pour the milk while stirring continuously.

Heat the mixture until it boils, cook and stir for around 2 minutes or until it thickens.

Lower the temperature and mix in the grated cheddar cheese until it melts. If you want, you can add some spicy sauce.

Mix and serve.

Mix the cheese sauce with the cauliflower and leek mixture in the large pot.

Warm the soup slowly, stirring from time to time, until it is thoroughly mixed and heated.


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