Slow Cooker Lipton Onion Potatoes Recipe


Add pats of butter or drizzle olive oil over the potatoes for extra richness and flavor.
Cheese Addition:
Sprinkle grated cheese, such as cheddar or Parmesan, over the potatoes in the last 30 minutes of cooking for a cheesy twist.
Avoid Overcrowding:
Don’t overcrowd the slow cooker. If necessary, cook in batches or use a larger slow cooker.
Low and Slow:
Cook the potatoes on the low setting for 4-6 hours for the best texture. High heat can cause them to become mushy.
Stir Occasionally:
Stir the potatoes occasionally to ensure even cooking and distribution of flavors, but do so gently to avoid breaking them up.
Lid On:
Keep the lid on the slow cooker as much as possible. Each time you lift it, heat escapes and extends the cooking time.
Check for Doneness:
Test the potatoes with a fork towards the end of the cooking time. They should be tender but not falling apart.
Fresh Herbs:
Add fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or dill towards the end of the cooking time for a burst of fresh flavor.
Crisp Finish:
For a crispy finish, transfer the cooked potatoes to a baking sheet and broil them in the oven for a few minutes before serving.
Slow Cooker Liners:
Use slow cooker liners for easy cleanup and to prevent sticking.
Experiment with Add-Ins:
Add vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, or mushrooms for added flavor and nutrition.
Rest Before Serving:
Let the potatoes rest for a few minutes after cooking to allow the flavors to meld and the potatoes to firm up slightly.
Most Popular Questions and Their Answers:

Can I use a different type of potato?
Yes, you can use russet, Yukon gold, or red potatoes. Adjust cooking time as needed.
Is it necessary to peel the potatoes?
Peeling is optional. Leaving the skin on adds texture and nutrients.
Can I add other vegetables?
Yes, you can add vegetables like carrots or bell peppers for added flavor and nutrition.
What can I use instead of Lipton Onion Soup mix?
You can make a homemade mix with onion powder, beef bouillon, parsley, celery seed, and paprika.
How do I prevent the potatoes from sticking to the slow cooker?
Thoroughly grease the slow cooker with cooking spray or butter.
Can I use frozen potatoes?

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