Sloppy Joe Grilled Burritos


Answer: You can use a small amount of prepared mustard or Dijon mustard as a substitute.
Can I use corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas?
Answer: Corn tortillas have a different texture and may not roll as easily, but they can be used if preferred.
How do I make the burritos less messy to eat?
Answer: Ensure the filling is thickened properly and wrap the burritos tightly. Serving them with a fork and knife can also help.
What can I do if the filling is too runny?
Answer: Simmer the sloppy joe mixture longer to reduce the liquid, or add a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with water to thicken it.
Can I add cheese to the sloppy joe mixture itself?
Answer: Yes, stirring in some shredded cheese into the hot sloppy joe mixture can add extra creaminess.
How can I make the burritos more flavorful?
Answer: Experiment with adding different spices like cumin, smoked paprika, or oregano to the sloppy joe mixture.
Can I make mini burritos for appetizers?
Answer: Yes, use smaller tortillas to make bite-sized burritos, perfect for appetizers or party snacks.

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