Simple lemon cake

To prepare this easy lemon cake, you need the following ingredients:

The shape and texture of the cake is achieved by all-purpose flour.

Pure sugar is an indispensable ingredient to make cakes sweeter and softer.

Salted butter adds richness and moisture to the cake.

Eggs not only add richness to the cake, but also tie the whole together.

The tangy, sour taste of lemon cake is achieved by adding lemon juice. Add lemon flavor and aroma

to the cake batter using


Two other chemicals that cause cakes and steam to rise are baking soda and baking soda.

Salt: Brings out the flavor of the cake and reduces its flavor.

Baking method:
Prepare the oven: Bake at the oven temperature specified in the recipe, usually around 350°F or

180°C. Grease the pan and line it with parchment paper to make it easier to remove the baked cake.

Mixing For the dry ingredients, place the flour, baking powder, salt, baking soda and baking soda in a

bowl. Take the mixture. Remove the table.

Cream sugar and butter:

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