Say goodbye to plant pests with this homemade pesticide: you only need 2 ingredients

You can do it yourself at home, in a very simple way. You only need two ingredients to ensure the health and well-being of your plants. Ready to find out how to solve your pest problem? Keep reading, you will be left speechless.

Natural pesticide to save plants: here are the magical ingredients
Pests are the enemies of plants. Among the most common we can highlight aphids , which consume the green pigment present in the stems and leaves ; thrips , which are insects that affect flowering plants (for example, orchids) leaving marks on the petals and leaves; whiteflies , which are generally found in medicinal plants such as chamomile, mint or lavender and which affect the leaves.

Do we also want to talk about the cochineal that sucks the sap from the plant, making the leaves turn yellow? In short, parasites can cause many problems for our green jewels.
So how do we protect our plants? Through pesticides – This is the correct answer to the question. But be careful! You should ensure that the pesticides used are as natural as possible.

Did you know that you can make them yourself at home? You’ll only need two simple homemade ingredients: baking soda and neem oil. Let’s see how to make a super fast natural pesticide.

The ingredients that we have informed you about are very easy to obtain , you may even already have them at home. To make this mixture, simply mix one tablespoon of Neem oil and one teaspoon of baking soda in one liter of water in a container.

Then put the contents in a spray bottle and spray it on your plants and you’re done! You will see that with this system you will be able to keep parasites away from your green jewelry. Easy to make pesticide, your plants will thank you.

However, we also point out another method to get rid of parasites. In addition to the one indicated above, you can also create another mixture that acts as a natural pesticide. In this second case you will only need liquid soap. How to proceed?

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