● Remove the milk from the heat when the 15 minutes have elapsed and gradually add the plain yoghurt and lemon juice;
● Stir for a few seconds, then let your mixture sit for at least 3 hours;
● Once the 3 hours are up, take your cotton wool gauze and fold it over on itself several times before placing it in a saucepan or bowl;
● Filter your mixture with your cheesecloth so that the whey goes into the pan and only the curds remain. Don’t hesitate to press well so that all the whey goes into the pan;
● Place the cotton gauze containing the curdled part in another container and put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes with a weight on top;
● Then take out your cotton gauze and open it to season your cheese with salt if desired, then place it in the mould of your choice;
● Put your cheese back in the fridge in your mould for another 8 hours and you’re done!