Potatoes Au Gratin


potatoes and onions in a dish for au gratin

How to make Potatoes Au Gratin
Potatoes Au Gratin has tender potatoes in a creamy, cheesy sauce for a dish that everyone loves.

1. Prepare potatoes and onions by thinly slicing. For even thin slices, I use an inexpensive mandoline. You can find them for under $20 it and saves a lot of time.

2. Make the cheese sauce per the recipe below with flour and butter. Add in a little bit of milk to make a white sauce and finally lots of cheese. If desired other additions such as garlic and fresh thyme or herbs can be added.

3. Assemble the gratin. Stack the potato slices and onions in little piles and then stand them on their sides in your casserole dish (instead of laying them flat like a traditional gratin). This is easy to do and makes this potatoes au gratin recipe really pretty!

It adds both extra flavor and texture with the crispy edges on the potatoes (and who doesn’t love the crispy yummy cheesy bits)!! Sprinkle a little bit of extra cheese on top if desired.

Bake these Potatoes Au Gratin for about 90 minutes and garnish with parsley.

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