Perfect Lemon Meringue Pie

This Perfect Lemon Meringue Pie is the only recipe you'll need! If you're intimidated by meringue pies, don't be! This recipe is super simple, comes together easily and most importantly, is DELICIOUS with a sweet, tart lemon custard and a fluffy and light meringue topping!

Lemon Meringue Pie often has a reputation of being hard to make, but I promise you, my Perfect Lemon Meringue Pie recipe is easy, delicious, and perfect for all year round!

I really cannot think of a more perfect pie for spring, can you?

And if you ever thought lemon meringue pie sounds too daunting – whether it be too many eggs that are all separated, or finicky meringue-making, or preparing the lemon custard… well I have to say, I was there too! For the longest time, I put off making this type of pie because frankly, the steps seemed a little scary to me. I know I’m a pretty awesome home baker but could I manage to make a meringue pie without it completely blowing up in my face?

Yes, yes I could! And I did! And so can you 🙂

I think what helps take some of the pressure off is that components can be made step-by-step which eliminates some of that harried need to scramble and get everything together at once. Between whisking the meringue and cooking the filling, there are a few parts to this recipe, but I promise it will be explained thoroughly so you can get to eating it faster!

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