My daughter loves to prepare this and send them out as gifts. I tried it myself and it’s fantastic

2 cups

White wine vinegar: 1/3 cup

Water: 1/2 cup

Freshly squeezed lime juice: 1 lime’s worth

Steps to Culinary Bliss:

Jar Prep: Sterilize your mason jars to ensure a long shelf life for your jam.

Blitz Away: In a food processor, combine chilies, onion, garlic, and water. Process until you have a finely chopped blend.

Slow Cooking: Pour this blend into your slow cooker. Add sugar, vinegar, and the zest of lime. Stir and let it simmer on low for an hour.

Intensify: After the initial simmer, give it a good mix and crank up the heat to high. Let it bubble and brew for two more hours. To ensure even cooking, place a tea towel under the lid during the final hour.

Test & Tweak: To check if your jam is ready, drop a bit on a chilled saucer and freeze briefly. If it firms up, it’s set! If it needs more time, give it another 30 minutes on high.

Jar it Up:

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