Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Now, as fate would have it, the process wasn’t as smooth as one might expect. An unanticipated storm led to a temporary power outage. However, resilience prevailed, and the mini chicken pot pies came out splendidly, defying both power cuts and inclement weather. A culinary victory, one could say!


Mixing bowl
Muffin tin
Cooking spray
Cutting board

1 package of grands biscuits
12- ounce bag of mixed veggies thawed
1-2 cups of cooked chicken canned or freshly prepared
1 can of cream of chicken soup
Seasoning of choice e.g., y’all Brands Southern Secret seasoning


Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F.

Prepare Veggies: Thaw the bag of mixed veggies by running hot water over them in a strainer.

Mix Filling:

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