Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Now, onto the vegetables—a crucial part of any chicken pot pie. Here, we’ve gone with a bag of mixed veggies to keep things simple and convenient. To accelerate the thawing process, simply run hot water over them in a strainer. It’s a quick and effective way to prep them for the pie filling.

Combining the Filling

When it comes to amalgamating your filling, the process is rather uncomplicated. In a mixing bowl, combine your cooked chicken, thawed mixed veggies, and cream of chicken soup.

Spice things up with your preferred seasonings; in our case, we used the delicious y’all Brands Southern Secret seasoning which features flavors of onion and garlic.

Preparing the Biscuit Crust

Let’s talk about the crust, the unsung hero that holds our pot pie together. The grand biscuits serve as an easy-to-use and delicious crust. To make sure they cook evenly, it’s essential to press them out in a certain way—thinner in the middle and a bit thicker on the sides.

This ensures that your biscuit crust is cooked to perfection from center to edge.

Filling and Baking

After your crusts are ready in their tins, proceed to fill them up with the mixed concoction you prepared earlier. A simple spoonful in each biscuit will suffice.

Pop them in a preheated 350°F oven for about 20-30 minutes. A small hack—if you’ve got empty wells in your muffin tins, just add a bit of water. It helps in even cooking.

Weathering the Storm

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