Meat Is Not as Delicious as Cabbage

Shred the Cabbage: Begin by chopping the cabbage into small pieces. A sharp object or a mandoline slicer may be used.

knife suitable for this work. After shredding, transfer the cabbage to a large basin.

Salt and Squeeze: After giving the cabbage a generous pinch of salt, let it rest for ten or more minutes. This will be beneficial.

extract the surplus moisture. Squeeze the cabbage after ten minutes to extract as much water as possible.

feasible. This is an essential step in making crispy fritters.

Prepare the Batter: Beat the eggs, flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl.

Blend together onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, and black pepper until smooth. Add the chopped onion and fold in.


Mix well to ensure that the squeezed cabbage is distributed equally throughout the batter mixture.

covered in the batter.

The Fritters are fried:

Heat the Oil: In a large pan over medium-high heat, heat approximately 1/2 inch of oil. The oil is prepared.

when a little bit of batter pops and comes to the top.

Fry the Fritters: Scoop some of the cabbage mixture into the heated oil using a spoon. Press them down.

a little bit with the spoon’s back. Batch-fry the fritters, taking care not to pack the pan too full.

Cook Until Golden: Cook for 3–4 minutes on each side, or until crispy and golden brown. Take out

the fritters from the oil and set them on a platter covered with paper towels to catch any leftover oil.

How to Make the Dipping Sauce:

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