Lose Weight Delightfully with Cabbage, Carrot, and Apple Salad That Burns Fat from the Belly

What you need:

Shredded cabbage, 2 cups

1 cup of grated carrot

Thinly slice or dice one apple.

2 teaspoons of vinegar made from apple cider

a tablespoon of canola oil

Toss with salt and pepper.

Toasted almonds or walnuts, for crunch, are optional.


The shredded cabbage, carrot, and apple should be mixed together in a big basin.

To make a simple dressing, combine olive oil, salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar, and whisk in a small bowl.

Coat the salad components thoroughly by pouring the dressing over them and tossing.

For an extra crunch and taste, you may top it with roasted almonds or walnuts if you want.

Quickly serve the salad as a cool accompaniment or light supper.

Advantages of Apple-Carrot-Cabbage Salad:

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