3 flavors jello divinity

Stir together granulated sugar, corn syrup, and water in a saucepan over medium heat.
Stir together granulated sugar, corn syrup, and water in a saucepan over medium heat.
Clip a candy thermometer to the side of the pan. Cook mixture until it reaches 260*.
Using a mixer, whip the egg whites just before the syrup mixture reaches heat.
whip the egg whites
Add jello powder to the egg whites.
Add jello powder to the egg whites
Once the syrup is ready, slowly drizzle the syrup into the jello and egg mixture.
Pro-Tip: The divinity should hold its shape when you remove the whisk. Continue to beat for a few more seconds if it does not.
slowly drizzle the syrup into the jello and egg mixture
Mix for 4-5 minutes.
PRO-TIP: Look for stiff peaks to form
jello mixture
Then, fold in the pecans. (Nuts are optional)
fold in chopped pecans
Prepare a lined baking sheet. Quickly use a buttered spoon to scoop out 1-1 ½ tablespoons of the mixture and drop onto a prepared baking sheet.
Pro-Tip: You can also drop the divinity spoonfuls on a generously sprayed piece of aluminum foil or parchement paper.
pink jello candy on top of baking sheet
Repeat all above steps for your other jello flavors.
PRO-TIP: You will want to work quickly. If the mixture begins to harden, just add a few drops of warm water
Let the divinity rest for 2-4 hours, or until dry.

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