If You Have 1 Liter Of Milk, Yogurt And Half A Lemon, You Can Make The Best Homemade Cheese

1000 g (1 litre) fresh milk
1 pot of unsweetened white yogurt or Greek yogurt.
The juice of half a lemon
A hydrophilic cotton compress one meter long (sold at the pharmacy)
A large bowl
Two methods to do it (your choice)

Thermomix type mixer:

Select the program 15 min / 90 / vel. 2.


Add 1 pot of plain unsweetened or Greek yogurt and the juice of ½ lemon. Mix for 30 seconds on speed 4, and finish with the 2 min / 90 / vel program. 2.
Wait until the whey separates (about 3 hours).
Fold a 1 meter long cotton wool compress back on itself, and place it on a large bowl.
Pour the contents, and squeeze to remove as much liquid as possible.

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