The idea is to use this salt sponge as you normally would with abrasive sponges that have a rougher side.
NB We recommend that you use fine salt and avoid coarse salt as it can be very abrasive and could scratch surfaces. Additionally, it is advisable to always shake the sponge before using it to remove excess salt.
Methods of use

Once you have prepared your lemon sponge, all you have to do is use it to whiten the bathroom ceramics . You can use it on the toilets but also on the tiles, rubbing gently and letting it act for about 10 minutes before rinsing well.
The lemon sponge will not only help whiten these surfaces and return them to their original whiteness, but it will also be able to remove any lime stains. Also, in the case of yellow stains along the interior walls of the toilet, you can rub several times until the lime deposits dissolve.
The ceramic in your bathroom will never be so white and so shiny!
Other uses of lemon halves in the bath
In addition to cleaning and whitening bathroom ceramics, half a lemon is also a godsend for cleaning other surfaces in this room of the house. Let’s see them together.
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