How to Keep Bugs Out of Your Kitchen Naturally

The key to keeping bugs at bay is maintaining cleanliness. Proper disposal of food waste, securely sealing food packages, and general cleanliness can significantly deter these pests. Natural bug repellents are an excellent choice, offering safety for both humans and the environment without breaking the bank.
DIY Natural Insect Repellent:

Creating your own insect repellent is a cost-effective and easy solution. Here’s how you can make a natural bug spray using rice vinegar, a known repellent for its strong scent:

Cut the top off a plastic bottle to create a funnel shape.

Pour a cup of dish soap into the bottle and mix well. The scent, while pleasant to humans, is off-putting to insects. Alternatively, white wine vinegar can be used for its sharp and sour odor.

Place the bottle in the kitchen or any area prone to bug invasions. This simple contraption will act as an effective repellent, keeping flies and mosquitoes at bay.

Safety Precautions:

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